Darwin,Erasmus — Darwin, Erasmus. 1731 1802. British physician, scientist, reformer, and poet whose Zoonomia (1794 1796) anticipated the evolutionary theories of his grandson Charles. * * * … Universalium
Darwin, Erasmus — born Dec. 12, 1731, Elston Hall, Nottinghamshire, Eng. died April 18, 1802, Derby, Derbyshire British physician, grandfather of Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. A freethinker and radical, Darwin often wrote his opinions and scientific treatises … Universalium
Darwin, Erasmus — (1731 1802) One of the leading intellectuals of eighteenth century England, Erasmus Darwin was a man with a remarkable array of interests and pursuits. The grandfather of Charles Darwin was a respected physician, a well known poet, philosopher … British and Irish poets
Darwin , Erasmus — (1731–1802) British physician Darwin was born at Elston. He studied medicine at the universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh, obtaining his MB from Cambridge in 1755. Darwin set up practice in Lichfield, where he soon established a reputation such … Scientists
DARWIN, ERASMUS — physician and natural philosopher, born in Nottinghamshire; studied at Cambridge and Edinburgh; practised medicine in Lichfield, and finally settled in Derby; occupied his mind with the study of fanciful analogies in the different spheres of… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Darwin, Erasmus — (1731 1802) Poet, physician, and scientist, was b. at Elston, Notts, and ed. at Camb. and at Edin., where he took his degree of M.D. He ultimately settled in Lichfield as a physician, and attained a high professional reputation, so much so… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Erasmus Darwin (disambiguation) — Erasmus Darwin may refer to:* Erasmus Darwin I (1731 1802), the physician, poet, etc: grandfather of Charles Robert Darwin * Erasmus Darwin II, also Erasmus Darwin the Younger (1759 1799), the son of Erasmus Darwin, brother of Robert Darwin, and… … Wikipedia
Erasmus Darwin — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Erasmus Darwin … Wikipedia Español
Darwin — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Charles Darwin (1809–1882), Begründer der modernen Evolutionstheorie Bernard Darwin (1876–1961), Enkel von Charles Darwin; britischer Jurist, Sportjournalist und Schriftsteller Charles Galton Darwin… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Darwin [2] — Darwin, Erasmus, engl. Arzt, Naturforscher und didaktischer Dichter, geb. 12. Dez. 1731 in Elton, gest. 18. April 1802 in Derby, entwickelte ein naturwissenschaftliches System in »Zoonomia, or the laws of organic life« (1794 u.ö.; deutsch, 3 Bde … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon